Ohrmann Museum & Gallery

Paintings, post 1996

Bluebirds In October
1995, 20x24, oil
This is the transition piece, after Bill read of Van Gogh's attempts to transcend mere photographic realism. The foreground, the coyote, the tree, are all very realistic, in the style of his earlier representational work. The sky, however, is a precursor to the more abandoned style that he would develop.

1997, 24x30

Trapper's Lunch
1997, 16x20

Rabble Rule
1998, 18x24

Soul Of The Tyger
1997, 20x24

If You Can't Stand The Heat, Stay Out Of The Kitchen
1998, 20x24

The Shephard
1998, 20x24

And Then Came Man
1999, 24x48

Bikini Atoll
1999, 20x24
A woefully common misconception is that adults in positions of authority know what they're doing.
Holman Jenkins

Remembering Summer
1999, 20x24

2000, 20x24
Before any match was struck or candle lighted, someone spoke well of the sun
John Haines

How Colonels Become Generals
2000, 20x24
I was on the field for a short time yesterday afternoon—it was a dreadful sight—dead men, women and children. More squaws were killed than men. I have never been in a fight before where women were killed, and I hope never to be. Our loss was 50 killed and wounded.
Major Edwin C. Mason
from a letter written to his wife,
August 18, 1877

Life I
2000, 20x24

Life II
2000, 20x24

Next Level Of Civilization
2000, 20x24
In this world we think we know,
something will always
be hidden, whether a fern-rib
traced in the oldest rock,
or a force behind our face,
like the pulse of a reptile,
dim and electric.
A possibility we hadn't
thought of, too tall
and thick to be believed.
John Haines

The Caged Bird
2003, 20x16
This bird was happy once in the high trees
You cage it in your cellar, bring it seed,
Honey to sip, all that its heart can need
Or human love can think of: till it sees,
Leaping too high within its narrow room
The old familiar shadow of the leaves,
And spurns the seed with tiny desperate claws.
Naught but the woods despairing pleads,
The woods, the woods again, it grieves, it grieves.
Bothius, Roman 480 –524 AD
Souls Of The Deluded
2000, 24x20

Whale Research
2001, 30x40

2002, 20x24

Sunny Day In Yellowstone
2003, 20x24

A Trip I Remeber
2004, 20x24
“The weather was not what he knew it once
The nights were terribly damp;
And he never was free of the rheumatiz
Except when he had the cramp”
Author unknown

2004, 24x20
Tainted Revelations
2004, 24x20

Children Love Justice
2005, 20x24
For Children are innocent and love justice, while most of us are wicked and naturally prefer mercy.
G. K. Chesterton

The Horse Herd
2005, 30x40

Be Thou Always As A Stranger And A Guest Upon This Earth
Thomas Kempis
2006, 30x40

Tough Job
2007, 20x24
We have a criminal jury system which
is superior to any in the world; and
its efficiency is only marred by
the difficulty of finding twelve
men every day who don't know
anything and can't read.
Mark Twain, 1873

Clouded Leopard
2007, 20x16

Go Forth And Multiply
2008, 20x24

Old Natives, Bold Natives
2009, 20x24
There are old natives and bold natives, but no old, bold natives.
(Adapted from a phrase about pilots during WWII)

2010, 40x30
And so with a boundless heart should one cherish all living things.

Sinners, Ailing Beast, And Angels
2010, 20x24

Hope And Truth For The Little Sinners
2008, 24x20

They Meant Well
2008, 20x24

We Weep
2009, 20x24
The year the last known Tasmanian wolf was killed, the legislature passed a law protecting the species.

Chaotic World
2012, 24x20
To know what you prefer instead of accepting what the world tells you you ought to prefer, is to have kept your soul alive.
Robert Louis Stevenson

Wilderness II
2011, 20x24