Ohrmann Museum & Gallery


"All The Friends I've Known Had Souls", Bill Ohrmann, oil, 2000
Welcome to the web site for the Ohrmann Museum & Gallery. Bill Ohrmann was a painter, wood carver, and metal sculptor. He was also a rancher, environmentalist, humanitarian, and animal lover. In these pages you can catch a glimpse into how his love for animals and the environment was expressed in the visual arts of his chosen mediums. It is our wish that looking at his art on your tablet or phone will encourage you to visit the Museum in person.
The last few years have seen a number of changes at the Museum. When Covid hit, we shut down our operations for a year or so. When we opened up again, it was on an intermittent basis. Phyll (Bill Ohrmann’s wife) had been the main greeter since the time that we opened (she was probably the first person you saw if you visited the Museum). But, after twenty-some-odd years of greeting our guests, and nearing the century mark, she decided that she didn’t want to walk the hundred yards to the Museum every time a car drove in to the yard. Instead, John (Bill’s son) would open up for visitors if he was working in the shop, or by appointment. This arrangement worked well for a couple years. Then, in August of 2023. John had a stroke. He got a Life-Flight ride to Missoula and three weeks in the hospital. When he got back home he had a regimen of re-hab, and at present he is in pretty good shape.
About this time, although, Phyll, who had had her hundredth birthday the previous spring, started having health problems. After 76 years living in the house that she had moved into a bride, she moved into a nursing home. She passed on the fifth of November, 2023.
John is keeping the Museum open on an intermittent basis. We are planning some further changes, including swapping out the paintings (with about three hundred paintings to choose from, we can post quite a few shows), hosting other artists, and displaying new works from John’s shop and studio.
To schedule an appointment, text (or call) 406-360-4397, or e-mail to ohrmann814@yahoo.com. John lives close by, so it generally is not hard for him to open up. If John is not available to open up the Museum, you are welcome to wander among the big animals. Thank you for your interest in Bill Ohrmann’s art and keeping his dream alive.